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Board Audit Will Examine Mountain Pine Beetle Management

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will conduct an audit this September looking specifically at forest activities related to the ongoing mountain pine beetle infestation in north-central BC. Mountain pine beetles attack and kill mature trees by boring through the bark and mining the layer between the bark and wood of a tree. About half […]

Forest Practices Board marks 25 years, issues annual report

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board has released its 2019-20 annual report, which describes the board’s work over the past year and highlights its accomplishments over the past 25 years. “This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Forest Practices Board,” said Kevin Kriese, board chair. “I would like to acknowledge the five board chairs, […]

Board to audit community forests

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit forest planning and practices on the 100 Mile House Community Forest and the Clinton Community Forest during the week of Sept. 16, 2019. Auditors will examine whether timber harvesting, roads, silviculture, fire protection and associated planning carried out between Sept. 1, 2017, and Sept. 20, 2019, met […]

Rocky Mountain ranchers pass audit

VICTORIA – An audit of five range agreements for grazing cattle in the Rocky Mountain Natural Resource District found that the ranchers met the requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act, according to a report. “Range practices followed most range-use plan and legal requirements, and protected drinking water quality for downstream water users,” said Kevin Kriese, chair, […]