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Board to audit range activities on public lands

Victoria -The Forest Practices Board will conduct its first audit of range activities this summer in the Horsefly forest district, near Quesnel. The audit will look at compliance with the Forest Practices Code, as well as the appropriateness of government’s enforcement of the code for ranching and haycutting on Crown lands. Under a separate project, […]

Rocky Mountain ranchers pass audit

VICTORIA – An audit of five range agreements for grazing cattle in the Rocky Mountain Natural Resource District found that the ranchers met the requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act, according to a report. “Range practices followed most range-use plan and legal requirements, and protected drinking water quality for downstream water users,” said Kevin Kriese, chair, […]

Range Use Near Midway, BC

The complainant has operated a woodlot on his land near Midway, 60 kilometres east of Osoyoos, for 30 years. For the…