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Burns Lake Community Forest gets clean audit

VICTORIA – A Forest Practices Board compliance audit of Burns Lake Community Forest Ltd. in the Nadina Forest District has determined that the operation meets all legislative requirements, according to a report released today. The audit found generally good practices on the ground. However, it identified four cutblocks with excessive soil disturbance, and the organization […]

Grazing cattle harm water bodies

A Forest Practices Board study of the impacts of cattle grazing near lakes, streams and wetlands in B.C. has found some range practices that could harm fish habitat, wildlife habitat and water quality.

Supreme Court of Canada rejects Northwood appeal

VICTORIA -The Supreme Court of Canada has denied Canfor Corporation the right to appeal a decision made by the B.C. Court of Appeal regarding the Forest Practices Board’s jurisdiction. The court’s ruling, handed down today, follows an unsuccessful appeal launched by Northwood Pulp and Timber Ltd. (now Canfor Corporation) in November 1999 after the B.C. […]

Court confirms board’s jurisdiction

The Kamloops forest district’s small business forest enterprise program complied with Forest Practices Code requirements in all significant respects, says a report released today by the Forest Practices Board.