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Canfor gets clean audit for Chetwynd forest license

Canadian Forest Products Ltd. (Canfor) has demonstrated sound forest practices in Forest Licence (FL) A18151 and is fully compliant with forest practices legislation, the Forest Practices Board reported today.

Board to audit forestry operations in the Prince George Forest District

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit forest practices of Canadian Forest Products Limited, Tree Farm Licence 30 (TFL 30) from September 27 to October 1. The audit will examine planning, harvesting, roads, silviculture and fire protection activities for compliance with forest practices legislation. TFL 30 is located in the Prince George Forest District […]

Board to audit forestry operations in Chilcotin, Central Cariboo

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest practices of Klatassine Resources Ltd., forest licence (FL) A81390, held by the Tl’etinqox-T’in Government (Anaham Band), from September 20 to September 24. The audit will examine planning, harvesting, roads, silviculture and fire protection activities for compliance with forest practices legislation. Forest licence A81390 is located in the both the […]

Board to audit BCTS operations in Campbell River Forest District

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit BC Timber Sales operations in the Strait of Georgia Business Area, encompassing Gold River on the west coast of Vancouver Island, Sayward on the east, and including Mainland areas across from Campbell River. The audit will take place between July 19 and 31 and will examine harvesting, […]

Regenerating dry interior Douglas-fir forests proves challenging

VICTORIA – A special investigation of reforestation in dry interior Douglas-fir (IDF) forests in the B.C. interior has found current efforts may not be leading to future healthy forests, according to a report released on Thursday, Sept. 17, 2020. “While we found that industry is following legal requirements and is increasingly planting a variety of tree […]

More transparency needed in Rocky Mountian Trench logging plans

VICTORIA – McBride Forest Industries and the Headwaters Forest District should provide more detailed information in logging plans for the Rocky Mountain Trench, the Forest Practices Board reported today. The board investigated a complaint by the Fraser Headwaters Alliance. The complainant was primarily concerned about the licensee’s ability to meet the visual quality objectives (VQOs) […]