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Board to audit forestry operations in Chilcotin, Central Cariboo

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest practices of Klatassine Resources Ltd., forest licence (FL) A81390, held by the Tl’etinqox-T’in Government (Anaham Band), from September 20 to September 24. The audit will examine planning, harvesting, roads, silviculture and fire protection activities for compliance with forest practices legislation. Forest licence A81390 is located in the both the […]

Regenerating dry interior Douglas-fir forests proves challenging

VICTORIA – A special investigation of reforestation in dry interior Douglas-fir (IDF) forests in the B.C. interior has found current efforts may not be leading to future healthy forests, according to a report released on Thursday, Sept. 17, 2020. “While we found that industry is following legal requirements and is increasingly planting a variety of tree […]

Board to audit BCTS operations in Campbell River Forest District

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit BC Timber Sales operations in the Strait of Georgia Business Area, encompassing Gold River on the west coast of Vancouver Island, Sayward on the east, and including Mainland areas across from Campbell River. The audit will take place between July 19 and 31 and will examine harvesting, […]

Audit on Nisga’a lands finds good forestry practices, mixed enforcement results

The third round of Forest Practices Board compliance audits on Nisga’a lands found forest planning and practices complied in all significant respects with the Forest Practices Code and the Nisga’a Final Agreement. The Nisga’a lands are in and around the Nass Valley, about 100 kilometres northwest of Terrace, and cover about 2,000 square kilometres.

Board to audit Canfor operations near Chetwynd

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices of the Chetwynd division of Canadian Forest Products Ltd (Canfor) on forest licence A18151, covering five specific areas located in the Peace Forest District near Chetwynd. The forest licence includes five distinct geographic units: one directly north of Chetwynd; one south east of Hudson’s Hope; one […]

Audit of Forest Planning and Practices: NRFLs A75807, A79504 and A90380 – Chilliwack Natural Resource District NRFLs

As part of its 2019 compliance audit program, the Board selected three non-replaceable forest licences (NRFLs) in the Chilliwack Natural Resource District as a location for a full scope compliance audit. The licences include A75807, A79504 and A90380, held by Ts’elxweyeqw Forestry Limited Partnership, Leq’ A: Mel Forestry Limited Partnership, and Skwah First Nation, respectively. […]

Board to Audit The Pas Lumber

VICTORIA -The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices of The Pas Lumber Co. Ltd. near Bear Lake this fall. The audit will look at The Pas Lumber’s operations on Forest Licence A18171, north of Prince George along Highway 97 from Summit Lake to the vicinity of Kerry Lake. From Bear Lake, […]