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Slocan Division Gets Clean Audit from the Forest Practices Board

Victoria – Slocan Forest Products’ operations in the Slocan Valley are complying with the Forest Practices Code, according to a Forest Practices Board audit released today. “Slocan’s practices complied with the Code in all significant respects. There is a high degree of compliance in an operating area with eleven community watersheds and steep terrain,” said […]

Board to audit three forest licences in the Kamloops Forest District

VICTORIA – Three non-replaceable forest licences—A80706, held by Tk’emlupsemc Forestry Development Corporation, A81385, held by the Ashcroft Indian Band and A83410, held by the Neskonlith Indian Band—will be audited the week of June 20, 2011. The licences are located within the Kamloops Timber Supply Area (TSA), in the Kamloops Forest District. Auditors will examine road […]

Closing Letter: Bamfield Visual Quality Objectives

The Forest Practices Board received a complaint that asserted harvesting by Huu-ay-aht Forestry Limited Partnership near Bamfield was not consistent with the visual quality objective for the area and furthermore, that government enforcement was not appropriate. The complaint was resolved.

Audits postponed due to B.C. forest fire situation

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board has postponed its audits planned for the southern and central Interior of British Columbia, due to the current forest fire situation. An audit of forest licence A18700 near Lillooet was scheduled to start today, but will not proceed at this time. Another audit in the Quesnel area has also […]

Woodlot management generally good, with room for improvement

VICTORIA – A report on an investigation of B.C.’s framework for woodlot management, and the performance of 15 woodlots in the Kootenay Lake timber supply area (TSA), concludes that the legislative and policy framework for woodlots is appropriate and most woodlots are conducting good forest practices on the ground. However, some woodlot licensees need to do a better […]