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Changes needed to B.C.’s forest practices legislation

VICTORIA – In a new report released today, the Forest Practices Board is recommending that government make a number of improvements to the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA). These improvements all have been recommended in previous board reports, but government has never implemented the recommendations. “The board believes these changes are necessary to improve stewardship of […]

Forestry roads a risk to grizzly bears in Kettle Granby

VICTORIA – An investigation of a public complaint about management of a threatened grizzly bear population in the Kettle-Granby area has found that the B.C. government has not effectively managed the risk forestry roads pose to the bears and forestry licensees have not met the road density limits recommended by government. “Government does not have […]

Board conducts first audits under Nisga’a Treaty

Victoria -The Forest Practices Board will conduct its first set of audits of compliance and enforcement on Nisga’a lands this summer. The Nisga’a lands cover about 2,000 square kilometres in the Nass River Valley on both sides of the river about 90 kilometres north of Terrace. The operating areas for the auditees are in various […]

Endangered Plants at Risk from Logging

No further logging approvals should be awarded in the coastal Douglas fir ecosystem on Southeast Vancouver Island until site assessments for endangered plants are completed, the Forest Practices Board recommended today.