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Board to audit forestry operations near Chilliwack

VICTORIA – The board will audit the forest practices of 606546 B.C. Ltd. on Forest Licence A19202, near Chilliwack, starting July 16, 2012. The audit will examine harvesting, road construction, maintenance and deactivation, protection and related planning that took place in the past year for compliance with forest practices legislation. Harvesting occurred near the community […]

Mackenzie Fibre Management Corporation passes audit

An audit of Mackenzie Fibre Management Corporation in the Mackenzie District found that silviculture, fire protection, harvesting and road activities complied with forest practices legislation, but found two practices that could be improved.

Board to audit forestry operations in Central Coast

VICTORIA – The board will audit the forest practices of International Forest Products Ltd. Forest Licences A16850 and A82001, starting June 25, 2012. The audit will examine operational planning, harvesting, roads, silviculture, fire preparedness and hazard abatement for compliance with forest practices legislation. The audit area extends north from Cape Caution to Price Island (centred […]

Board to audit forestry operations in Central Cariboo District

VICTORIA – The board will audit the forest practices of Amabilis Contracting Ltd., a part of the Pioneer Family Timber Partnership, on Forest Licence A79575, starting June 18, 2012. The audit will examine operational planning, harvesting, roads, silviculture, fire preparedness and hazard abatement for compliance with forest practices legislation. Harvesting is aimed at salvaging mountain […]

Two Fraser Valley Woodlots Investigated by Forest Practices Board

VICTORIA – Investigations of two woodlots in Maple Ridge for forest management practices, following complaints from the public, have now been completed, the Forest Practices Board reported today. The investigation of the 276-hectare BCIT Forest Society woodlot near Kanaka Creek concluded that the woodlot’s streamside management, and erosion and sediment control activities are appropriate. The […]

Old-growth protection in place, but faces challenges

An investigation into the state of old-growth forest retention in the province has concluded that, while old growth retention objectives are being implemented, government needs to track retention areas, and evaluate whether or not they are actually effective in protecting biodiversity.