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Timber sales program near Powell River receives clean audit

VICTORIA – An audit of the British Columbia Timber Sales (BCTS) program and timber sale licensees near Powell River found timber harvesting and forest road work met all legislative requirements, according to a report released today. “These operators are carrying out forest practices as the public expects them to, by following the Forest and Range […]

Two Quesnel Area Forest Operations Pass Audit

VICTORIA – An audit of two non-replaceable forest licences held by Pacific Bioenergy Timber Corp. and RPP Holdings Inc. in the Quesnel district found both companies’ forest planning, fire protection, harvesting and road activities met the requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act. However, Pacific Bioenergy had an area of improvement involving fire hazard […]

Pacheedaht First Nation and Andersen Timber get good audit

VICTORIA – An audit of forestry activities on tree farm licence (TFL) 61 in the South Island Natural Resource District has found compliance with the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Wildfire Act, according to a new report. “Our audit found that Pacheedaht Andersen Timber Holdings LP (PATH) did a good job meeting all […]

Board to Audit Revelstoke Community Forest Corporation

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices of Revelstoke Community Forest Corporation beginning next week. The audit will look at the corporation’s operations on Tree Farm Licence 56, about one hour north of Revelstoke. TFL 56 consists of about 120,000 hectares in the Downie Creek and Goldstream River drainages, […]

Changes to Board Membership Announced

VICTORIA – Cabinet has made a number of appointments to the Forest Practices Board. Tim Ryan will be staying on as chair of the board for a second term. Ryan has issued the following statements upon the appointment of Ken Higginbotham to the board, and the re-appointment of current members Marlene Machmer and Norma Wilson: […]

Board to Audit C&C Wood Products Ltd.

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices of C&C Wood Products Ltd., in the Quesnel Forest District. The audit will examine C&C Wood Products’ operations on non-replaceable forest licence A55477, located within the Quesnel timber supply area. For this licence, C&C Wood Products operates predominantly in the Narcosli East […]

Board to Audit BCTS in the Fort St. John Timber Supply Area

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices of British Columbia Timber Sales (BCTS) and timber sale licence (TSL) holders in a portion of the Peace Forest District. The audit will examine BCTS and TSL holders’ operations located throughout the Fort  St. John timber supply area (TSA), which extends predominately […]