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Board Conducts First Area-Based Audit

Victoria – The Forest Practices Board will conduct its first area-based audit this summer in the Fort Nelson forest district. “Until now our audit program has focused on single licensees or government forestry programs,” said Bill Cafferata, Forest Practices Board chair. “This audit will examine all the licences in an area to give us a […]

New results-based approach used for forestry audits

The Forest Practices Board has released two pilot audits on forest soil conservation and streamside (riparian) management , the first board audits to reflect the results-based approach of the new Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA).

Improvement continues in B.C. forest practices

VICTORIA -More operators in British Columbia’s publicly owned forest are complying with the Forest Practices Code than in previous years, according to the Forest Practices Board’s 2000 annual report, released today. Six of the 13 compliance audits reported on by the board last year were clean – up from one in four in the board’s […]

Audit of Forest Planning and Practices: Nadina Natural Resource District – Woodlot Licences W0116 & W0199, W0117 & W0128, W1534 and W2065

As part of the Forest Practices Board’s 2017 compliance audit program, the Board randomly selected the Nadina Natural Resource District as the location for a full scope compliance audit. Within the district, the Board selected 11 woodlot licences near Burns Lake for audit: W0116, W0117, W0128, W0198, W0199, W1534, W1687, W1690, W1691, W2050 and W2065. […]

Forest Practices Board releases silviculture audit

The Forest Practices Board today released the report for its audit of the silviculture practices on Forest Licence A20021 held by West Fraser Mills Ltd. The licence is located northeast of Williams Lake around Quesnel Lake and Horsefly Lake in the Horsefly Forest District. The audit examined the silviculture practices of West Fraser Mills Ltd. […]

Kleanza Singlehurst

The complainant submitted a complaint to the Forest Practices Board on December 23, 2009 regarding Coast Tsimshian…