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Forest Practices Board annual report details accomplishments

VICTORIA –The Forest Practices Board’s annual report, reviewing the board’s accomplishments and key findings from April 2011 to March 2012, was released today, and it illustrates the Board’s efforts to look at a range of different resource developments affecting public forest land. “Last year we audited some non-typical forestry operations to see if the generally […]

Forest development plan public review and bark beetle management

The Board received a complaint from a member of the public concerning an amendment to a licensee’s Five Year Forest Development Plan. The complaint asserted that: a licensee amended its forest development plan for a forest licence without providing adequate time for public review and comment. a licensee was not practicing healthy forest management, in […]

Board to audit forest operations near Burns Lake

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will examine the activities of Babine Forest Products Limited’s operations in the Nadina Forest District north of the community of Burns Lake and around Babine Lake during the week of Sept. 12 to 16. The audit will examine timber harvesting, road construction and maintenance, silviculture, fire protection and associated […]

Board to audit government forestry operations in Squamish

VICTORIA -The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices of the Ministry of Forests small business forest enterprise program in the Squamish forest district this fall. The audit will look at the program’s operations near Harrison Lake, Squamish, Pemberton, Boulder Creek and in Tree Farm Licence 38 on the western edge of […]

New forest stewardship plans still lacking

VICTORIA – A followup report on implementing recommendations to improve forest stewardship plans has found some improvement in the quality of plans but concludes the recommendations have not yet been fully implemented. In August 2015, the board published a special investigation report called Forest Stewardship Plans: Are They Meeting Expectations? That investigation found the quality […]

Board to audit forest practices on oil and gas sites near Fort Nelson

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest practices of oil and gas companies Apache Canada Ltd. and Devon Canada Corporation near Fort Nelson, from Oct. 4 to Oct. 8, 2010. The audit will assess compliance of forestry operations carried out during oil and gas-related activities, such as construction of well sites, access […]