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Forest Planning and Practices at East Creek

Sierra Club BC submitted a complaint about logging practices in the East Creek Valley. This valley is just north of Mquqwin / Brooks Peninsula Provincial Park on northwest Vancouver Island. Sierra Club BC (the complainant) was concerned with a wide range of issues related to forest planning and practices.

Watershed Assessment in the Glade Community Watershed

In October 2018, the Board received a complaint about planned logging in the Glade community watershed, near Castlegar, BC. The Glade Watershed Protection Society was concerned that a watershed assessment was incomplete, outdated, and inconsistent with forest stewardship plan strategies to meet community watershed objectives. The Board considered whether the watershed assessment is consistent with the expected professional standards, and whether the licensees complied with legal requirements in the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA).

Issue #27 – Winter 2022/23

As many of you have seen, we are actively recruiting for a new Chair for our Board and we hope to have the new chair in place early in 2023. In the meantime, the Board and staff continue to carry out our work auditing and investigating forest and range practices, and identifying opportunities for improvement […]