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Regenerating dry interior Douglas-fir forests proves challenging

VICTORIA – A special investigation of reforestation in dry interior Douglas-fir (IDF) forests in the B.C. interior has found current efforts may not be leading to future healthy forests, according to a report released on Thursday, Sept. 17, 2020. “While we found that industry is following legal requirements and is increasingly planting a variety of tree […]

Board conducts first audits under Nisga’a Treaty

Victoria -The Forest Practices Board will conduct its first set of audits of compliance and enforcement on Nisga’a lands this summer. The Nisga’a lands cover about 2,000 square kilometres in the Nass River Valley on both sides of the river about 90 kilometres north of Terrace. The operating areas for the auditees are in various […]

Board to audit Conifex forest licence

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit forest licence A15385, held by Conifex Mackenzie Forest Products Inc., in the Mackenzie Forest District, from Oct. 4 to Oct. 8, 2010. Conifex purchased the licence from AbitibiBowater earlier this year. There has not been any active logging on this licence for the past few years, and there are […]

Forest Practices Board Releases Canfor Audit Report

Victoria – Poor planning for mountain pine beetle was found in an audit of Canadian Forest Products Ltd.’s operational planning and forest practices near Takla Lake, says a report released today by the Forest Practices Board. Canfor generally complied with the requirements of the Forest Practices Code, the report said. However, significant non-compliance in the […]

Board to audit Tembec Industries Ltd.

Victoria -The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices of Tembec Industries Ltd. (formerly Crestbrook Forest Industries Ltd.) near Creston this summer. The audit will look at Tembec’s operations on Forest Licence A20212 in the Kootenay Lake forest district along Highway 3 east of Creston. This is a full-scope audit that will […]