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Forest Practices Board Welcomes Identified Wildlife Management Strategy and Calls for Implementation of Other Code Measures to Protect Wildlife and Biodiversity

Victoria – BC’s independent watchdog for sound forest practices welcomes the government’s announcement of the Identified Wildlife Management Strategy. “The Identified Wildlife Management Strategy is one of the important pieces of the Forest Practices Code that we had identified as missing. The government’s announcement is a step in the right direction,” said Forest Practices Board […]

Road sediment causing impacts to fish habitat

VICTORIA – A new special investigation examining how forest and range practices are protecting fish habitat under the Forest and Range Practices Act has been released. Board investigators examined forest and range practices in five watersheds throughout the province. “We found that practices, such as maintaining fish passage and riparian management, are quite good,” said […]

Wildfire Management Plans Step in the Right Direction

An investigation into the state of fire management planning has found that fire management plans have been prepared in all forest districts in the province, and that they provide the basic information needed to help plan a response to a wildfire, according to a report released today.

Timber Salvage Harvesting and Fisher Management in the Nazko Area

Two trappers in the Nazko Area, near Quesnel complained to the Board that logging practices to salvage mountain pine beetle killed pine trees have removed fisher habitat on their trapline. They claim habitat loss will affect their livelihood and were concerned that salvage operations were not being managed to maintain fisher and other wildlife habitats. […]