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Issue #23 – Summer 2020

In the past three months, the Board released two special investigations that, when taken together, show both the strengths and weaknesses of our current regulatory system for forest practices. In April, the Board released a follow-up report on bridge planning, construction and design — Bridges 2. The 2014 report found widespread problems with how bridges […]

Issue #19 – Summer 2018

I am very pleased to have been appointed the Chair of the Forest Practices Board. For more than 30 years, I have worked in the field of natural resources management in BC, and in that time the Board has become a highly respected voice for sound forest and range practices.  I have admired the Board […]

Issue #16 – Winter 2016/17

As 2016 draws to a close, we at the Board have been looking back to see what the trends and issues have been this year. Probably the most significant trend to note is that the Board has received double the normal number of public complaints and concerns with forest management and practices this year. (Public […]

Logging road in a river must address environmental concerns

VICTORIA -A proposed logging road along the Goat River should not have been approved by the Ministry of Forests without a rationale and before environmental concerns were addressed, the Forest Practices Board says in an investigation report released today. The board’s report responds to a complaint filed by the Fraser Headwaters Alliance in July 2000, […]

Board to audit BCTS operations in Campbell River Forest District

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit BC Timber Sales operations in the Strait of Georgia Business Area, encompassing Gold River on the west coast of Vancouver Island, Sayward on the east, and including Mainland areas across from Campbell River. The audit will take place between July 19 and 31 and will examine harvesting, […]

Logging road put caribou at risk

A Forest Practices Board special investigation has found that the approval of a logging road by the Ministry of Forests did not adequately consider risks to a vulnerable caribou herd.

Board to audit BCTS activities near Squamish

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will examine the activities of BC Timber Sales’ operations in the Squamish Forest District portion of the Chinook Business Area during the week of Aug. 22 to 26. The audit will examine timber harvesting, road construction and maintenance, silviculture, fire protection and associated planning activities carried out by BC […]

New results-based approach used for forestry audits

The Forest Practices Board has released two pilot audits on forest soil conservation and streamside (riparian) management , the first board audits to reflect the results-based approach of the new Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA).