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Board to Audit Burns Lake Indian Band

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will be in Burns Lake in early June, to audit the forest planning and practices of the Burns Lake Indian Band. The audit will examine the band’s operations in non-replaceable forest licence A72919, located in the vicinity of Tercer Lake, southeast of Burns Lake. Auditors will examine operational planning; […]

Two operations north of Terrace pass forestry audits

Audits of forest licences held by Cassiar Forest Corporation and Coast Mountain Hydro Corporation found that forest practices complied with B.C.’s forestry legislation, according to a Forest Practices Board report released today.

Prompt Action Needed to Protect Goat Habitat

Prompt government action to define goat winter ranges is needed to protect mountain goat habitat in the Chilliwack Forest District and to balance forest harvesting with wildlife habitat conservation, the Forest Practices Board reported today.

BCTS Gets Clean Audit in Lakes TSA

VICTORIA – British Columbia Timber Sales (BCTS) and timber sales licence holders in the Lakes Timber Supply Area (TSA) have received a clean audit, the Forest Practices Board reported today. “The audit found BCTS and its timber sale licence holders complied in all significant respects with forest practices legislation. The audit did find two minor […]