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Lignum Ltd.’s Forestry Operations Get Clean Audit From Forest Practices Board

VICTORIA – Lignum Ltd.’s operations near 100 Mile House are complying with the Forest Practices Code, according to a Forest Practices Board audit released today. “Lignum’s practices complied with the code in all significant respects,” said board chair Keith Moore. “The audit did not identify any non-compliance in timber harvesting, road maintenance and road deactivation. […]

Ndazkhot’en Forest Management near Quesnel passes audit

An audit of Ndazkhot’en Forest Management’s forestry activities on forest licences A65926 and A81934, near the Village of Nazko west of Quesnel, found compliance with B.C.’s forestry legislation, according to a report released today.

Board to Audit SWC Holdings Ltd. on the Mid-Coast of BC

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices of SWC Holdings Ltd., in the North Island-Central Coast Forest District. The audit will examine SWC Holdings’ operations on forest licence A16848, located in Smith Inlet, approximately 70 km north of Port Hardy on the Central Coast. The audit will examine forest […]

Board Audit Will Examine Practices Around Streams

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will conduct an audit this October looking specifically at forest activities around streams in the Chilliwack Forest District. Forest practices such as road construction, harvesting, road deactivation activities, and mechanical site-preparation treatments can have serious environmental impacts on water quality and fish habitat in streams. Poor forest practices can […]

Forest Practices Board Finds Problems in Approval Process for Babine Bridge Location

Victoria – In a report released today, the Forest Practices Board criticized the government’s approval process for the location of a bridge across the Babine River, near New Hazelton. Both the Ministry of Forests and Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks knew they had a significant disagreement about the location of the bridge and its […]

Board Audit Will Examine Soil Conservation

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will conduct a pilot audit this fall looking specifically at how forest activities affect soil conservation. Forest practices can have serious environmental impacts on soil. Poor forest practices can erode surface soils, causing landslides that harm fish and water sources and can endanger public safety and property. Soil damage […]

Forestry Watchdog Says Government Needs to Protect Environmental Resources

Victoria – The Forest Practices Code has produced good results in improving site-specific forest practices, particularly those dealing with roads and cutblocks around the province. But important Forest Practices Code provisions intended to protect wildlife, biodiversity, recreation and scenery have still not been implemented. This is the main message of the 1999 Annual Report of […]

An Audit of the Government of BC’s Framework for Enforcement of the Forest Practices Code

During development of British Columbia’s Forest Practices Code (the Code), there was public concern about whether forest companies would follow the Code and whether government would enforce it. As a result, the provincial government created the Forest Practices Board to act as an independent watchdog. In order to audit the appropriateness of government’s enforcement activities, the Board first had to […]