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Board to Audit BCTS in the Lakes Timber Supply Area

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices of the British Columbia Timber Sales (BCTS) program in the Nadina Forest District. The audit will examine BCTS’s operations in the Lakes timber supply area (TSA), located in North Central BC, which covers 1.12 million hectares. The TSA includes the communities of […]

Board to audit Downie Street Sawmills

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will examine the activities of Downie Street Sawmills on forest licence A31102, near Revelstoke, during the week of Oct. 2, 2017. Auditors will examine whether harvesting, roads, silviculture, fire protection and associated planning, carried out between October 2015 and October 2017, met the requirements of the Forest and Range […]

Board to audit forestry operations near Terrace

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit forest practices of the Coast Tsimshian Resources Limited Partnership in Tree Farm Licence (TFL) 1 in the Kalum Forest District, from August 17 to 21. The audit will examine planning, harvesting, roads, silviculture and fire protection activities, carried out over the past two years, for compliance with […]

Board to audit two community forests near Fort St. James

VICTORIA – The board will audit the forest practices of Fort St. James Community Forest Corporation on Community Forest Agreement (CFA) K1D and Tanizul Timber Ltd. on CFA K4B, as well as the silviculture obligations of tree farm licence 42, during the week of Aug. 17, 2015. The auditors will examine all operational planning, harvesting, roads, […]

Mid Coast Audit Reports Harm to Marine and Stream Habitats

Victoria – The forestry operations of the Mid Coast district’s small business forest enterprise program generally complied with Forest Practices Code requirements, says a report released today by the Forest Practices Board. The only significant non-compliance involved harvesting along the marine foreshore and road construction next to a fish-bearing stream. The report concludes the board’s […]

BCTS Gets Clean Audit in Queen Charlotte Islands TSA

VICTORIA – British Columbia Timber Sales (BCTS) and timber sale licence holders in the Queen Charlotte Islands timber supply area (TSA) met the requirements of forest practices legislation, the Forest Practices Board reported today. “The audit found BCTS and its timber sale licence holders complied with their legal requirements in all significant respects,” said board […]