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Policy Review Required to Protect Marbled Murrelets

A review of government policy on protecting wildlife habitat and more collaboration between government and industry are needed to protect the threatened marbled murrelet, the Forest Practices Board reported today.

Protection of scenic areas near Williston Lake consistent with Forest Practices Code

Victoria – The Ministry of Forests’ decision to identify scenic areas and establish visual quality objectives for areas visible from Williston Lake was reasonable and met Forest Practices Code requirements, said the Forest Practices Board in a report released today. In its report, the board recommends the district manager start a process for public participation. […]

Forest Practices Board Finds Problems in Approval Process for Babine Bridge Location

Victoria – In a report released today, the Forest Practices Board criticized the government’s approval process for the location of a bridge across the Babine River, near New Hazelton. Both the Ministry of Forests and Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks knew they had a significant disagreement about the location of the bridge and its […]