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Kamloops resident joins Forest Practices Board

The Chair of the Forest Practices Board welcomes Kamloops resident Frances Vyse as a new Board member. Frances, along with John Cuthbert, was appointed for two years through a government order-in-council on April 11th, 1997. The order also appoints Cindy Pearce as vice-chair. Frances is a geographer, naturalist and parks planning consultant. She is well-known […]

Board to audit forest operations near Burns Lake

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will examine the activities of Babine Forest Products Limited’s operations in the Nadina Forest District north of the community of Burns Lake and around Babine Lake during the week of Sept. 12 to 16. The audit will examine timber harvesting, road construction and maintenance, silviculture, fire protection and associated […]

Board to audit five range agreements in the Cascades district

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the planning and practices on five range agreements for grazing in the Cascades natural resource district, during the week of Sept. 14, 2015. Auditors will examine range activities for compliance with the Forest and Range Practices Act. The grazing areas that will be audited range in size […]

Forest Practices Board Releases Results of an Audit of Tolko Industries Ltd.

VICTORIA – Although Tolko Industries’ timber harvesting and road practices generally met the requirements of the Forest Practices Code, certain forest practices in sensitive riparian areas next to streams were a problem, according to a Forest Practices Board audit report released today. The audit identified several instances involving riparian areas where the Code was not […]

BCTS operations near Terrace, Prince Rupert pass audit

An audit of BC Timber Sales and timber sale licensees in the Coast Mountain Resource District found that forest planning, silviculture, fire protection, harvesting and road activities complied with forest practices legislation.