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Board to audit BCTS operations in the Sunshine Coast

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit British Columbia Timber Sales’ (BCTS) operations in the Strait of Georgia Business Area, located in the Sunshine Coast Forest District, during the week of Sept. 15, 2008. The board carries out periodic independent audits to see if government and forest companies are complying with provincial forest practices […]

Forest Practices Board Releases Results of an Audit of Slocan Group – Radium Division

Victoria – Slocan Group – Radium Division is complying with the Forest Practices Code, with the exception of one road construction practice that involves a small area of Slocan’s operations, according to a Forest Practices Board audit that was released today. The one issue identified by the audit occurred where excessive amounts of rock and […]

Provincial Systems Fail to Protect Threatened Species

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board has found that there is a systemic failure in government policy to protect threatened species such as marbled murrelets on crown forest lands. The findings were released as the close of a board investigation of a 1999 complaint concerning logging approvals in the Brand Valley on south-western Vancouver Island, […]

Board finds good performance in North Coast Audit

VICTORIA – Triumph Timber Ltd. received a clean audit for operations in the North Coast Forest District, the Forest Practices Board reported today. The board audited Triumph’s activities near Prince Rupert, in seven separate areas between Chambers Creek and Princess Royal Island, and found the licensee was in compliance with legislative requirements for planning, harvesting, […]

Riverside Forest Products Undergoes Random Audit By Forest Practices Board

Victoria – Today, the Forest Practices Board began the fieldwork portion of an audit of forest planning and practices of Forest Licence A20191, held by Riverside Forest Products Ltd. Operating areas for this forest licence are located in the lower Arrow Lake area approximately 50 kilometres south-east of Vernon and north-west of the community of […]

LP Engineered Wood Products Gets Clean Audit

VICTORIA-The forestry operations of LP Engineered Wood Products Ltd. north of Revelstoke complied with the Forest Practices Code in all significant respects, according to a Forest Practices Board audit released today. The report notes the high degree of compliance in an operating area with steep terrain and high snowfall. Co-operation between LP Engineered Wood Products […]