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Slocan Park Logging Followed Legal Requirements

An investigation into a complaint by a number of Slocan Park residents about logging of four cutblocks above the community has found that BCTS acted appropriately in planning and overseeing the proposed logging and road building.

LP Engineered Wood Products Gets Clean Audit

VICTORIA-The forestry operations of LP Engineered Wood Products Ltd. north of Revelstoke complied with the Forest Practices Code in all significant respects, according to a Forest Practices Board audit released today. The report notes the high degree of compliance in an operating area with steep terrain and high snowfall. Co-operation between LP Engineered Wood Products […]

Atco Lumber Gets Clean Audit

Victoria -The forestry operations of Atco Lumber Ltd. complied with the Forest Practices Code in all significant respects, according to a Forest Practices Board audit released today. The report concludes the board’s audit of Forest Licence A20218, held by Atco Lumber Ltd. The operating area for this licence is in the Kootenay Lake timber supply […]

Soil conservation practices effective in Golden Timber Supply Area

VICTORIA – A pilot audit has found that forest practices were effective at conserving forest soils in the Golden Timber Supply Area of the Columbia Forest District, according to a Forest Practices Board report released today. The audit, which started in July 2006, examined three operators – Wood River Forest Inc. (now called Downie Timber Ltd.), […]

Forest Practices Board Releases Canfor Audit Report

Victoria – Poor planning for mountain pine beetle was found in an audit of Canadian Forest Products Ltd.’s operational planning and forest practices near Takla Lake, says a report released today by the Forest Practices Board. Canfor generally complied with the requirements of the Forest Practices Code, the report said. However, significant non-compliance in the […]

Tanizul Timber Ltd. Gets Clean Audit

VICTORIA-The forestry operations of Tanizul Timber Ltd. near Stuart Lake complied with the Forest Practices Code in all significant respects, according to a Forest Practices Board audit released today. The report concludes the board’s audit of Tree Farm Licence 42 held by Tanizul in the Fort St. James forest district. Tanizul is owned and controlled […]

Audit of Plateau Forest Products’ Forestry Operations Released

VICTORIA – Plateau Forest Products’ operations in the Vanderhoof area are generally complying with the Forest Practices Code, according to a Forest Practices Board audit released today. “Plateau’s forest practices complied with the Code in all significant respects, with the exception of a number of small streams that were incorrectly classified,” said Board Chair, Keith […]