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Forest Practices Board marks 25 years, issues annual report

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board has released its 2019-20 annual report, which describes the board’s work over the past year and highlights its accomplishments over the past 25 years. “This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Forest Practices Board,” said Kevin Kriese, board chair. “I would like to acknowledge the five board chairs, […]

Northern Engineered Wood Products gets good audit

VICTORIA – An audit of Northern Engineered Wood Products’ (NEWP) non-renewable forest licence A85566 found the company met all requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Wildfire Act, according to a new report. “Our audit found that all activities met the legal requirements,” said Kevin Kriese, chair of the Forest Practices Board. […]

B.C. needs new planning process for forestry

VICTORIA – In a new report, the Forest Practices Board recommends that government adopt a tactical forest planning process to direct forestry operations on Crown land. “For more than 20 years, the board has called for improved planning and objectives at the landscape and watershed scales,” said Kevin Kriese, chair, Forest Practices Board. “Recent board […]

Reducing the Risk of Wildfire – The Time for Action is Now

OPINION-EDITORIAL by Tim Ryan VICTORIA – Sept. 24-30, 2017 marks National Forest Week in Canada. Established around 1920 as Forest Fire Prevention Week, the origins were to encourage greater public awareness towards Canada’s forests. At the time, the greatest threat to forests came from forest fires, mainly due to human causes. Since then, National Forest […]

Two more woodlots near Quesnel pass forestry audits

VICTORIA – Planning and forestry activities on two woodlots in the Quesnel Forest District, in central British Columbia, generally met all legal requirements, according to an audit of their operations released today. “We’re pleased to find that these two woodlot licensees have been demonstrating sound forest practices overall,” said board chair Bruce Fraser. “While we […]