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Two public complaints investigated on Haida Gwaii

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board has released the results of two separate investigations into public complaints about forest practices, one near Port Clements on Graham Island and another near Skidegate Lake on Moresby Island. Both investigations found that the licensees’ forest practices met the legal requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act and the […]

Court confirms board’s jurisdiction

The Kamloops forest district’s small business forest enterprise program complied with Forest Practices Code requirements in all significant respects, says a report released today by the Forest Practices Board.

Forest Practices Board Gets New Member from Telkwa

Victoria – Liz Osborn from Telkwa, near Smithers BC, is among four new members appointed by the government to a three-year term with the Forest Practices Board. Other new members include Ingrid Davis, from Merritt; Fred Parker, from Castlegar; and Mark Haddock from Port Moody. They join existing Board Chair, Keith Moore, and members John […]

Kootenay area community forests get clean audits

VICTORIA – A Forest Practices Board audit of two community forests in the Kootenay Lake Forest District has determined that their operations are compliant with the law, according to a report released today. The Harrop-Procter Community Forest and the Kaslo and District Community Forest Society (KDCFS) were audited in June 2008. In the Harrop-Proctor Community Forest, […]

John Cuthbert re-appointed to Forest Practices Board

Victoria – John Cuthbert was re-appointed to the Forest Practices Board by the government on Thursday, February 18th. Cuthbert is a forester with a long distinguished career with the Ministry of Forests, including nine years as Chief Forester for the province. He is a resident of Summerland and was first appointed to the Board in […]