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Ndazkhot’en Forest Management near Quesnel passes audit

An audit of Ndazkhot’en Forest Management’s forestry activities on forest licences A65926 and A81934, near the Village of Nazko west of Quesnel, found compliance with B.C.’s forestry legislation, according to a report released today.

Multi-value audit finds good performance in Fort St. James Forest District

VICTORIA – A multi-value pilot audit by the Forest Practices Board found good performance by forest companies in the Kazchek operating area of the Fort St. James Forest District. The audit focused mainly on the practices of Apollo Forest Products within the operating area. The board assessed the licensee on biodiversity, stream riparian management and […]

Forest Practices Board Audits MacMillan Bloedel Forestry Operations in TFL 44

Victoria – Today, the Forest Practices Board begins the fieldwork portion of an audit of Tree Farm Licence (TFL) 44, held by MacMillan Bloedel Limited. The TFL is located on the west side of Vancouver Island with operating areas south to the Carmanah Valley and Nitinat Lake and north through the Clayoquot Sound area. This […]

Adams Lake Passes Audit

VICTORIA – An audit of Forest Licence A89984, held by Adams Lake, which is managed by the Adams Lake Indian Band, has found compliance with most requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Wildfire Act, according to a report released today. “The Board is pleased to see that Adams Lake is participating […]

Planting problem found in Quesnel area audit

VICTORIA – An audit of BC Timber Sales’ operations near Quesnel found most planning and forestry activities complied with forest practices legislation. However, the audit identified eight cutblocks that were planted with seedlings not meant for those areas. “This contravenes the government’s limits for the transfer of seed between areas,” said board chair Bruce Fraser. […]