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Beetle epidemic increases frequency, severity of peak stream flows

VICTORIA – Government and industry should implement preventative measures to counter the more frequent extreme peak flows in streams as a result of the mountain pine beetle epidemic, according to a Forest Practices Board special investigation released today. The investigation used the Baker Creek watershed as a test case. Baker Creek, west of Quesnel, is […]

Water protection subject of audit in Okanagan Shuswap Forest District

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit how well forest and range practices in the Vernon and Oyama Creek community watersheds are protecting water quality, beginning October 18. The forest practices of Tolko Industries Ltd, BC Timber Sales and the Ministry of Forests and Range’s small scale salvage program, as well as range practices […]

Chunzoolh Forest Products gets clean audit for beetle timber harvest

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board has given Chunzoolh Forest Products Ltd. a clean audit for its harvesting of beetle-infested timber in the Prince George Forest District. The board audited Chunzoolh’s non-replaceable forest licence A72190, which authorized the company to cut 50,000 cubic metres of timber infested by the mountain pine beetle. The beetle epidemic […]