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Forest Practices Board releases audit of Lakes Forest District SBFEP

The Forest Practices Board today released a report on the results of its first audit of a Ministry of Forests Small Business Forest Enterprise Program (SBFEP). The audit examined – an audit of the operational planning for forest management activities approved between January and October 1996 in the Lakes Forest District SBFEP, near Burns Lake, […]

Two More BC Forest Companies Get Clean Audits

Victoria – Tolko Industries’ Questwood Division and Riverside Forest Product’s Armstrong Division are complying with the Forest Practices Code, according to two Forest Practices Board audits released today. The audits were both “clean”, meaning no significant non-compliance was found. Last month, the Board released audits of an Interfor operation on the coast and a Slocan […]

LP Engineered Wood Products Gets Clean Audit

VICTORIA-The forestry operations of LP Engineered Wood Products Ltd. north of Revelstoke complied with the Forest Practices Code in all significant respects, according to a Forest Practices Board audit released today. The report notes the high degree of compliance in an operating area with steep terrain and high snowfall. Co-operation between LP Engineered Wood Products […]

Firefighting Readiness only Concern in Sunshine Coast Audit

Victoria -The Sunshine Coast forest district’s small business forest enterprise program generally complied with Forest Practices Code requirements, with the exception of fire-protection planning and preparedness, says a report released today by the Forest Practices Board. The report concludes the board’s audit of the government-run program under which the Ministry of Forests awards timber sale […]

Board conducts first audits under Nisga’a Treaty

Victoria -The Forest Practices Board will conduct its first set of audits of compliance and enforcement on Nisga’a lands this summer. The Nisga’a lands cover about 2,000 square kilometres in the Nass River Valley on both sides of the river about 90 kilometres north of Terrace. The operating areas for the auditees are in various […]

Atco Lumber Gets Clean Audit

Victoria -The forestry operations of Atco Lumber Ltd. complied with the Forest Practices Code in all significant respects, according to a Forest Practices Board audit released today. The report concludes the board’s audit of Forest Licence A20218, held by Atco Lumber Ltd. The operating area for this licence is in the Kootenay Lake timber supply […]

West Fraser Gets Clean Audit

The forestry operations of West Fraser Mills Ltd. in the Morice forest district complied with Forest Practices Code requirements in all significant respects, says a report released today by the Forest Practices Board.

Tanizul Timber Ltd. Gets Clean Audit

VICTORIA-The forestry operations of Tanizul Timber Ltd. near Stuart Lake complied with the Forest Practices Code in all significant respects, according to a Forest Practices Board audit released today. The report concludes the board’s audit of Tree Farm Licence 42 held by Tanizul in the Fort St. James forest district. Tanizul is owned and controlled […]