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Board to audit three forest licences near Chilliwack

CHILLIWACK – Three non-replaceable forest licences (NRFLs) in the Chilliwack Natural Resource District — NRFL A75807, held by Leq’A: Mel Forestry Limited Partnership; NRFL A79504, held by Ts’elxweyeqw Forestry Limited Partnership; and NRFL A90380, held by Skwah — will be audited starting the week of Aug. 19, 2019. Auditors will examine whether harvesting, roads, silviculture, […]

Audit of Forest Planning and Practices: Nadina Natural Resource District – Woodlot Licences W0116 & W0199, W0117 & W0128, W1534 and W2065

As part of the Forest Practices Board’s 2017 compliance audit program, the Board randomly selected the Nadina Natural Resource District as the location for a full scope compliance audit. Within the district, the Board selected 11 woodlot licences near Burns Lake for audit: W0116, W0117, W0128, W0198, W0199, W1534, W1687, W1690, W1691, W2050 and W2065. […]

Kamloops resident joins Forest Practices Board

The Chair of the Forest Practices Board welcomes Kamloops resident Frances Vyse as a new Board member. Frances, along with John Cuthbert, was appointed for two years through a government order-in-council on April 11th, 1997. The order also appoints Cindy Pearce as vice-chair. Frances is a geographer, naturalist and parks planning consultant. She is well-known […]

Scenic views protected in Highway 5 Corridor

A Forest Practices Board audit found that forest companies and BC Timber Sales (BCTS) did a good job of protecting important scenic areas between Clearwater and Valemount from the visual impacts of forestry activities, according to a report released today.