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Pine beetle logging takes mostly pine, study says

VICTORIA – All additional harvesting allowed by the Ministry of Forests and Range to deal with the current mountain pine beetle infestation has been directed at pine, according to a Forest Practices Board report released today. “The increase in the allowable annual cut to deal with the mountain pine beetle epidemic has raised concerns about […]

Promoting Sound Forest Management in BC

VICTORIA –The Forest Practices Board’s 2012-13 annual report was released today, and summarizes the Board’s work over the year, as published in 29 reports, as well as highlighting work currently underway. “When the Forest and Range Practices Act was introduced in 2004, it was understood that improvements would be necessary as circumstances changed and we […]

Watchdog celebrates 10 years of promoting forest stewardship

VICTORIA – B.C.’s Forest Practices Board celebrated its first 10 years of existence with the release of its 2004/2005 annual report today. The board, B.C.’s independent forest watchdog, was established in 1995 to report to the public about compliance with the forestry laws. “Now in its eleventh year of operation, the board is well into […]