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Eagle Creek Pine Salvage

The Blewett Watershed Committee filed a complaint to the Board about the Kootenay Lake Forest District’s request for…

Harvest Planning for Ecosystem Based Management on Haida Gwaii

The Forest Practices Board received a complaint about compliance of planning and practices under the Haida Gwaii Land Use Objectives Order by British Columbia Timber Sales. The complainant identified cutblocks in the Naikoon landscape unit and was specifically concerned about sustainable stewardship of cedar, watershed level hydrological processes, and landscape level conservation of biodiversity. The […]

Road sediment causing impacts to fish habitat

VICTORIA – A new special investigation examining how forest and range practices are protecting fish habitat under the Forest and Range Practices Act has been released. Board investigators examined forest and range practices in five watersheds throughout the province. “We found that practices, such as maintaining fish passage and riparian management, are quite good,” said […]

Audit near Dawson Creek finds soil, water protected

VICTORIA – An audit of cattle grazing, forest harvesting and road construction and maintenance practices on Crown land in the Kiskatinaw River watershed found that legal requirements to conserve soils and protect water quality were met, according to a report released today. The audit examined forestry, oil and gas, and range operations in the Kiskatinaw […]

Board to audit forest and range operations near Dawson Creek

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forestry and range practices of several forest companies, oil and gas companies and range tenure holders operating in the Kiskatinaw River watershed near Dawson Creek. Initial fieldwork will commence the week of Oct. 6. The board carries out periodic independent audits to see if government, range […]

Beetle epidemic increases frequency, severity of peak stream flows

VICTORIA – Government and industry should implement preventative measures to counter the more frequent extreme peak flows in streams as a result of the mountain pine beetle epidemic, according to a Forest Practices Board special investigation released today. The investigation used the Baker Creek watershed as a test case. Baker Creek, west of Quesnel, is […]

Forest Practices Board releases decision on Complaint Investigation

The Forest Practices Board has announced a decision regarding a complaint filed with the Board by five organizations from the Cariboo region in December, 1995. The complainants asserted that forest development plans for the Quesnel River watershed prepared by five licensees and the Ministry of Forests Small Business Forest Enterprise Program were not consistent with […]