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Two Fraser Valley Woodlots Investigated by Forest Practices Board

VICTORIA – Investigations of two woodlots in Maple Ridge for forest management practices, following complaints from the public, have now been completed, the Forest Practices Board reported today. The investigation of the 276-hectare BCIT Forest Society woodlot near Kanaka Creek concluded that the woodlot’s streamside management, and erosion and sediment control activities are appropriate. The […]

Board to Audit Timber Sales Program Operation

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices of government’s BC Timber Sales program in the Chilcotin Forest District. The B.C. Timber Sales program used to be called the Small Business Forest Enterprise Program. The audit will look at a number of operations scattered throughout the Chilcotin Forest District, as […]

Board to audit forestry operations near Kamloops

VICTORIA — The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest practices of West Fraser Mills Ltd. on Forest Licence A18694 in the Kamloops Timber Supply Area, starting July 23, 2012. The audit will look at harvesting, silviculture, protection, road construction, road maintenance and deactivation, and operational planning that took place in the past two years […]

Klaus Offermann reappointed to Forest Practices Board

Victoria – Klaus Offermann was reappointed to the Forest Practices Board yesterday. Klaus, a Nelson resident, has more than 20 years of forestry-related experience and has held positions in organized labour, the forest industry and government. He has been involved in forest worker advocacy, forest policy development, land use planning, and consensus building, much of […]

Logging road put caribou at risk

A Forest Practices Board special investigation has found that the approval of a logging road by the Ministry of Forests did not adequately consider risks to a vulnerable caribou herd.

Forest watchdog to investigate impact of pine beetle salvage

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will investigate the impact of large-scale salvage of mountain pine beetle-killed timber on reforestation objectives, biodiversity, watershed protection and accumulation of forest fuels over the coming months. Fieldwork for the special investigation will begin this week, and the findings are expected to be released in early 2006. “Just as […]