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Board to Audit Burns Lake Indian Band

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will be in Burns Lake in early June, to audit the forest planning and practices of the Burns Lake Indian Band. The audit will examine the band’s operations in non-replaceable forest licence A72919, located in the vicinity of Tercer Lake, southeast of Burns Lake. Auditors will examine operational planning; […]

Board to conduct first audit of a small scale salvage program

VICTORIA– The board’s first audit of the Ministry of Forests and Range’s small scale salvage program will be conducted in the Kamloops Forest District starting Sept. 24, the Forest Practices Board announced today. Small scale salvage is the recovery of timber not considered economically viable by the major licensees and includes trees that are wind-thrown, […]

True North, Strong and Green

INFO BULLETIN VICTORIA – Sept. 18-25, 2016, is National Forest Week in Canada – a time to celebrate Canada’s forests and the benefits they provide to Canadians. The theme this year is True North, Strong and Green. There are many reasons why this year’s theme is particularly suited to British Columbia. B.C. is certainly green […]

Stuwix Ltd. Receives Clean Audit

VICTORIA – A Forest Practices Board audit released today found that the operations of Stuwix Resources Ltd., in the Cascades Forest District, have fully met the requirements of forest practices legislation. “The board is pleased to find that Stuwix Resources Ltd. received a clean audit while harvesting beetle infested trees,” said board chair Bruce Fraser. […]

Timber sales program near Powell River receives clean audit

VICTORIA – An audit of the British Columbia Timber Sales (BCTS) program and timber sale licensees near Powell River found timber harvesting and forest road work met all legislative requirements, according to a report released today. “These operators are carrying out forest practices as the public expects them to, by following the Forest and Range […]

Interfor Gets Clean Audit in Clayoquot

The forestry operations of International Forest Products Ltd. (Interfor) in Clayoquot Sound on Vancouver Island complied with the Forest Practices Code in all significant respects, according to a Forest Practices Board audit released today.