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Board to audit forestry operations in the Squamish Forest District

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit forest practices of Terminal Forest Products Ltd. in Forest Licence (FL) A19215 in the Squamish Forest District, from June 7 to 10. The audit will examine planning, harvesting, roads, silviculture and fire protection activities for compliance with forest practices legislation. The licence lies within the Sea to Sky […]

Marbled murrelet habitat needed better protection

VICTORIA -A review panel has reversed a Ministry of Forests district manager’s approval of a cutblock in North Jervis Inlet that contains valuable marbled murrelet habitat after an appeal of the decision by the Forest Practices Board. Following a request from the Sunshine Coast Conservation Association in August, the board asked the review panel to […]

Audit of Forest Planning and Practices: NRFLs A75807, A79504 and A90380 – Chilliwack Natural Resource District NRFLs

As part of its 2019 compliance audit program, the Board selected three non-replaceable forest licences (NRFLs) in the Chilliwack Natural Resource District as a location for a full scope compliance audit. The licences include A75807, A79504 and A90380, held by Ts’elxweyeqw Forestry Limited Partnership, Leq’ A: Mel Forestry Limited Partnership, and Skwah First Nation, respectively. […]

New Forest Practices Board chair appointed

VICTORIA – Kevin Kriese has been appointed chair of the Forest Practices Board. His three-year appointment is effective Aug. 7, 2018. “The board serves a critical role in overseeing forest and range practices in British Columbia,” said Doug Donaldson, Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development. “Kevin’s experience will be a significant […]