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True North, Strong and Green

INFO BULLETIN VICTORIA – Sept. 18-25, 2016, is National Forest Week in Canada – a time to celebrate Canada’s forests and the benefits they provide to Canadians. The theme this year is True North, Strong and Green. There are many reasons why this year’s theme is particularly suited to British Columbia. B.C. is certainly green […]

Forestry Activities in the Skidegate Landscape Unit on Haida Gwaii

The Forest Practices Board received a complaint that alleged forestry activities by A&A Trading, Taan Forest, and BC Timber Sales in the Skidegate Landscape Unit (LU) on Haida Gwaii resulted in landslides, road failures and siltation of fish-bearing streams. In addition, the complainant believes that ecological representation targets for old forest in the Skidegate LU […]

Board to Audit Forestry Operations near Cache Creek

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices of Northern Nlaka’pamux Forestry Resources Ltd. in non-replaceable forest licence A73168 . The licence is located near Lytton, around Cornwall Mountain and southwest of Cache Creek. The board will audit operational planning; harvesting; road construction, maintenance and deactivation; silviculture and fire protection […]

Weldwood Gets Clean Audit

Weldwood of Canada Ltd.’s operations in the Williams Lake timber supply area complied with Forest Practices Code requirements in all significant respects, says a report released today by the Forest Practices Board.

Board Issues 20th Annual Report

VICTORIA –The Forest Practices Board released its 2015-16 annual report today, which celebrates 20 years as the public’s watchdog for forest and range practices in BC, as well as reporting on the board’s work over the past year. “British Columbia is unique in the world in having an independent body that provides oversight of forest […]

Forest Practices Board Releases Annual Report for 2006

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board has released its annual report for 2005/2006. The annual report details the key findings and topics the board has examined during the past fiscal year. The annual report gives the public an idea of the diversity of issues brought to the board through random audits, investigations of public complaints, […]

Board to audit Canfor operation in Fort Nelson area

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will examine the activities of Canadian Forest Products Ltd. on forest licence A17007 during the week of Sept. 11, 2017. Auditors will examine whether forestry activities carried out between September 2016 and September 2017, met the requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Wildfire Act. Canfor […]