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Recent audits reveal Wildfire Act Issues

VICTORIA – A review of forest and range practice audits from 2013 and 2014 finds about half the audits had no issues and half had non-compliance with legislation or areas requiring improvement, according to a report released today. Of the problems found, one-third involved problems with wildfire prevention. “We published 23 audit reports and 12 […]

New Forest Practices Board Members Announced

VICTORIA – Bruce Fraser, chair of the Forest Practices Board, issued the following statement following appointments to the board announced by Forests and Range Minister Rich Coleman: “We are pleased to welcome Rachel Holt and Debbie Zandbelt to the board. They bring extensive backgrounds in forestry-related issues, and will make a significant contribution to our […]

Two Fraser Valley Woodlots Investigated by Forest Practices Board

VICTORIA – Investigations of two woodlots in Maple Ridge for forest management practices, following complaints from the public, have now been completed, the Forest Practices Board reported today. The investigation of the 276-hectare BCIT Forest Society woodlot near Kanaka Creek concluded that the woodlot’s streamside management, and erosion and sediment control activities are appropriate. The […]