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Carrier Lumber Ltd. gets good audit results

VICTORIA – Replanting obligations of financially strapped companies in the Robson Valley have been met by Carrier Lumber Ltd., according to a Forest Practices Board report. In an audit of replaceable forest licences A15429 and A15430, the board found that road and bridge maintenance, silviculture activities and associated operational planning carried out by Carrier Lumber […]

What to expect during a Board compliance audit – RANGE

The Forest Practices Board (Board) is British Columbia’s independent forest and range watchdog. On behalf of the public, it monitors and reports on forest and range practices on public land. One of the main ways it does this is through field-based compliance audits of forest and range licensees. The purpose of this guide is to […]

Audit finds Canfor did not comply with bridge maintenance legislation

VICTORIA – An audit of Canadian Forest Products Ltd. (Canfor) found 10 bridges that were not maintained as required by the Forest and Range Practices Act. However, Canfor’s road maintenance and silviculture activities all complied with the act. “There are standards in the Forest Planning and Practices Regulation that licence holders must meet to ensure bridges […]

Board to audit Nazko Logging in Quesnel area

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will examine the activities of Ndzakhot’en Forest Management (Nazko Logging) in the Quesnel District during the week of Aug. 19. The audit will examine timber harvesting, road construction, maintenance, silviculture, fire protection and associated planning activities carried out by Nazko for compliance with forest practices legislation. Nazko’s operations are […]

Issue #17 – Summer 2017

Interest in the Board’s work and requests for assistance from the Board are continuing to grow–work on topics such as visual quality management and forest stewardship plans, and assistance dealing with concerns and complaints. To ensure we continue to make valuable contributions to forest and range management, the Board strives to remain knowledgeable on current […]

Board welcomes new member

VICTORIA – Al Gorley, chair of the Forest Practices Board, issued the following statement upon the cabinet appointment of a new board member announced by Forests, Lands and Mines Minister Pat Bell today: “On behalf of board members and staff at the Forest Practices Board, we are pleased to welcome Bill Dumont to our organization. […]

Audit of Forest Planning and Practices: West Fraser Mills Ltd TFL 52

In October 2017, the Board audited forestry operations on Tree Farm Licence 52 held by West Fraser Mills Ltd.(West Fraser) within the Quesnel Natural Resource District.  This audit included harvesting, roads, silviculture, wildfire protection and associated planning that took place over a 16 month period starting in July 2016. West Fraser’s activities complied in all […]