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Closing Letter – Impacts of Forestry Activities on Mushroom Habitat near Kitwanga

On September 9, 2019, the Forest Practices Board received a complaint from a resident of Kitwanga. The complainant is concerned that planned harvesting of BC Timber Sales (BCTS) timber sale license A52734 Block 001 will damage valuable mushroom habitat. The complaint considered BCTS’s legal obligations under the Forest and Range Practices Act and investigated whether […]

Canfor Audit Cites Bridge Maintenance

VICTORIA-Except for bridge inspection and maintenance practices, Canfor achieved a high level of compliance with the Forest Practices Code while operating in very mountainous terrain with varied soil types and high rainfall, says a report released today by the Forest Practices Board. The report concludes the board’s audit of Tree Farm Licence 48 held by […]

Report advocates setting clear, measurable goals

Victoria -Sound forest practices must be guided by clear and measurable goals, especially as government moves to results-based regulation, according to the Forest Practices Board’s 2001 annual report. The report, which summarizes the results of the board’s work last year, notes problems on the ground that could be avoided through well-defined, measurable direction at all forest […]

Forestry Activities in the Skidegate Landscape Unit on Haida Gwaii

The Forest Practices Board received a complaint that alleged forestry activities by A&A Trading, Taan Forest, and BC Timber Sales in the Skidegate Landscape Unit (LU) on Haida Gwaii resulted in landslides, road failures and siltation of fish-bearing streams. In addition, the complainant believes that ecological representation targets for old forest in the Skidegate LU […]

McBride Community Forest

In January 2008, the Forest Practices Board received a complaint from four residents of the Robson Valley (the…

Supreme Court of Canada rejects Northwood appeal

VICTORIA -The Supreme Court of Canada has denied Canfor Corporation the right to appeal a decision made by the B.C. Court of Appeal regarding the Forest Practices Board’s jurisdiction. The court’s ruling, handed down today, follows an unsuccessful appeal launched by Northwood Pulp and Timber Ltd. (now Canfor Corporation) in November 1999 after the B.C. […]

Board to audit two community forests in the Robson Valley

VICTORIA – The board will audit the forest practices of the McBride Community Forest Corporation and the Valemount Community Forest Company Ltd., starting Monday, Sept. 24, in McBride and Valemount. The audit will examine operational planning, harvesting, roads, silviculture, fire preparedness and fire hazard abatement for compliance with forest practices legislation. Community forests are area-based […]

Board to audit Nazko Logging in Quesnel area

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will examine the activities of Ndzakhot’en Forest Management (Nazko Logging) in the Quesnel District during the week of Aug. 19. The audit will examine timber harvesting, road construction, maintenance, silviculture, fire protection and associated planning activities carried out by Nazko for compliance with forest practices legislation. Nazko’s operations are […]