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Interfor Gets Clean Audit from the Forest Practices Board

VICTORIA – International Forest Products’ forest practices in Tree Farm Licence 10 (TFL 10) on the mainland coast are complying with the Forest Practices Code, according to a Forest Practices Board audit released today. “Interfor’s practices complied with the Code in all significant respects.” said Board chair, Keith Moore. “Overall, this is a good audit […]

Two Major Forest Companies Get Clean Audits from the Forest Practices Board

Victoria – The Forest Practices Board today released the results of its audits of Interfor’s TFL 10 on the mainland coast and Slocan Group’s forest licence in the Slocan Valley. Both audits conclude that the companies met the requirements of the Forest Practices Code. “Both Interfor and Slocan complied with the Code in all significant […]

Nadina Beetle Treatments

A resident of Francois Lake complained to the Minister of Forests in May 2003 about the Ministry of Forests (MOF) using…

Forest Practices Board Releases Results of an Audit of Tolko Industries Ltd.

VICTORIA – Although Tolko Industries’ timber harvesting and road practices generally met the requirements of the Forest Practices Code, certain forest practices in sensitive riparian areas next to streams were a problem, according to a Forest Practices Board audit report released today. The audit identified several instances involving riparian areas where the Code was not […]