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Board to audit community forests

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit forest planning and practices on the 100 Mile House Community Forest and the Clinton Community Forest during the week of Sept. 16, 2019. Auditors will examine whether timber harvesting, roads, silviculture, fire protection and associated planning carried out between Sept. 1, 2017, and Sept. 20, 2019, met […]

Helicopter and Snowcat Skiing in Mountain Caribou Habitat

This audit highlights the beneficial aspects of having an industry, with the potential to adversely impact a sensitive wildlife resource, follow agreed upon procedures to manage and minimize wildlife encounters, and to self-report on those encounters.

Board to audit TimberWest operations near Campbell River

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will examine the activities of TimberWest Forest Corporation on Tree Farm Licence 47 (TFL 47) during the week of Aug. 18, 2014. TFL 47 is located on northern Vancouver Island near Port McNeill, and on parts of the coastal mainland and islands in the Johnstone Strait. The audit will […]

Forest Practices Board raises forest road and bridge concerns

While most Forest Practices Board audits find good practices, more than 55 per cent of issues found since 2005 are with roads and bridges, with five times more issues detected in 2010 and 2011 than in the previous five years combined, according to a board report released today.

Sinclair Mountain cabin contravenes forestry legislation

An all-terrain vehicle (ATV) trail and cabin on Sinclair Mountain, near Smithers, contravene forest practices legislation, the Forest Practices Board reported today. The board also found the Ministry of Forests and Range did not enforce the legislation appropriately.

Fuel reduction efforts examined

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will investigate how much progress communities have made in reducing forest fuels in the wildland-urban interface. The investigation is a follow-up to a report the Board published in February 2010. “We decided earlier this year that it was time to take a look and see what has happened since […]