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Yun Ka Whu’ten Holdings Ltd. gets good audit result

VICTORIA – A limited scope audit, in which harvesting, road activities and associated planning were examined, has found good forest practices by Yun Ka Whu’ten Holdings Ltd., according to a Forest Practices Board report released today. Yun Ka Whu’ten’s licence allows it to harvest 150,000 cubic metres of pine-beetle-killed timber per year. The licence is […]

Board welcomes two new members, gets new vice-chair

VICTORIA – Al Gorley, chair of the Forest Practices Board, issued the following statement upon the Cabinet appointment of two new board members, and a new vice-chair, announced by Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Minister Steve Thomson last week: “On behalf of board members and staff at the Forest Practices Board, we are pleased […]

Appeal decision overturns logging in seabird habitat

VICTORIA – On Nov. 20, the Forest Appeals Commission struck down the Ministry of Forests’ approval of five cutblocks in the Queen Charlotte Islands. The decision keeps alive important options to conserve the old-growth habitat critical for the survival of the marbled murrelet, a threatened species. This area was the primary focus of wildlife inventories […]


The Forest Practices Board is pleased to provide a submission to the Strategic Review of Old Growth Management in BC. We have done a fair amount of work involving old growth management through our audits, complaint investigations and special investigations. We are providing a selection of observations based on findings from our work, grouped around […]

Five woodlots in southern Interior get clean audits

VICTORIA – Planning and field activities undertaken in five woodlots in the Arrow Boundary Forest District in southern British Columbia were found to be compliant during an audit of their operations. The audits of woodlot licences W0408, W0475, W0479, W1470 and W1832 were conducted in June 2007. The audits assessed for compliance with the Forest Practices […]

Board finds good performance in North Coast Audit

VICTORIA – Triumph Timber Ltd. received a clean audit for operations in the North Coast Forest District, the Forest Practices Board reported today. The board audited Triumph’s activities near Prince Rupert, in seven separate areas between Chambers Creek and Princess Royal Island, and found the licensee was in compliance with legislative requirements for planning, harvesting, […]

Forestry Activities in the Skidegate Landscape Unit on Haida Gwaii

The Forest Practices Board received a complaint that alleged forestry activities by A&A Trading, Taan Forest, and BC Timber Sales in the Skidegate Landscape Unit (LU) on Haida Gwaii resulted in landslides, road failures and siltation of fish-bearing streams. In addition, the complainant believes that ecological representation targets for old forest in the Skidegate LU […]