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Issue #14 – Winter 2015/16

Over its 20 years, the Forest Practices Board has published some 500 audits, investigations and special reports; a few of which, for one reason or another, have ended up being controversial. This past summer, the Forest Stewardship Plans Need Improvement special investigation (FSP) was one of those few reports. It garnered accolades from some for […]

Central Coast Audit Finds Road Maintenance System Lacking

An audit of British Columbia Timber Sales (BCTS) and timber sale licensees in the Seaward-tlasta Business Area on the Central Coast of B.C. found that planning, silviculture, fire protection, harvesting on 27 cutblocks, and more than 500 kilometres of road were in compliance with legislation, with one exception.

Board Recommends Improved Management of Resource Roads

In a special report released today, the Forest Practices Board reports that B.C. has between 400,000 and 500,000 km of resource roads – the distance from the earth to the moon – yet the provincial government’s management of these roads is not as effective or co-ordinated as it should be.

Enforcement of Forest Legislation Appropriate in Fort St. James District

In a special report released today, the Forest Practices Board reports that B.C. has between 400,000 and 500,000 km of resource roads – the distance from the earth to the moon – yet the provincial government’s management of these roads is not as effective or co-ordinated as it should be.