Special Investigation – SIR/21
April 2008


  1. The Ministry of Environment should promptly establish deer winter range areas in the Chilliwack Forest District or amend the Section 7 notice to include the appropriate non‐contributing land base (NCLB) portion before harvesting removes further options.  
  2. Given the observed harvest levels in the NCLB and the importance of some old growth management areas (OGMAs) in providing old forest areas of adequate size to contain interior forest habitat and support landscape connectivity, the Integrated Land Management Bureau should complete the legal establishment of the (currently) draft OGMAs in these two districts and reconsider its proposed provincial policy for ending spatial establishment of OGMAs in 2008.

Response to Recommendations

The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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