
An area of forestland from which all merchantable trees have recently been harvested. b-clearcut

Clean Opinion

A Forest Practices Board conclusion arrived at when all forestry activities subject to audit are in compliance with legislation in all significant respects. The statement “in all significant respects” recognizes that there may be minor, or insignificant, instances of non-compliance.

Chemical Control

The application of herbicides to control or eradicate plant species.

Channel Bed

The bottom of the stream below the usual water surface. Beds contain sediments deposited by moving water, such as rocks, sand, gravel and sediment.


The stream banks and stream bed formed by fluvial processes.

Canopy Cover

The percentage of ground covered by a vertical projection of the outermost perimeter of the natural spread of foliage of plants. Small openings within the canopy are included, and coverage may exceed 100 percent.

Cable Yarding

A yarding system employing winches, blocks and cables.