Regeneration delay is the maximum time allowed in a prescription, between the start of harvesting in the area to which the prescription applies, and the earliest date by which the prescription requires a minimum number of acceptable well‐spaced trees per hectare to be growing in that area.
Recruitment is the act of identifying stands, either spatially or non-spatially, that do not currently meet the requisite old-growth characteristics but are intended to contribute to targets at some point in the future.
A road prism is the area consisting of the road surface, any cut slopes, ditches or road fill.
A rehabilitated road has all structures removed (including water bars and cross ditches), the road surface is loosened, surface re-contoured, and natural drainage patterns restored and trees planted (on forest land) to get roads back into forest production.
Road rehabilitation is an Association of BC Forest Professionals best practice for roads where there is a silvicultural obligation.
Criteria in the range use plan that are used to determine when a range is ready for grazing.
A prescribed activity (e.g., grazing of livestock, cutting of hay, and activities related to these practices, or activities related to constructing, modifying, or maintaining a range development) that is carried out on Crown range by the holder of an agreement under the Range Act or by a person other than the holder of the agreement.
A distinct discipline founded on ecological principles and dealing with the use of rangelands and range resources for a variety of purposes. These purposes include use of watersheds, wildlife habitat, grazing by livestock, recreation and aesthetics, as well as other associated uses.
(Source: Campbell, C.W. and Bawtree, A.H. (eds.), 1998. Range Handbook for BC. BC Cattlemen’s Association, Kamloops)
Consists of measures to stabilize roads and logging trails during periods of commercial harvesting inactivity. It includes controlling drainage, removing side-cast where necessary and re-establishing vegetation for permanent deactivation.
The "art" of weighing the assessed risks (i.e., the likelihood of a potential loss to an environmental, social or economic value) against the expected benefits that may be gained from that action or decision.
The estimation of the likelihood of loss or damage, and the magnitude of the consequence should the loss or damage occur. In forestry, risk assessment includes the process of identifying the degree of risk that timber harvesting and road building imposes on adjacent and downslope social, economic, and forest resource values. The severity of each potential hazard and the magnitude of the potential consequences that correspond to each hazard provide the overall risk associated with harvesting a site.