Risk is a hazard (probability of occurence) combined with consequence.

See riparian area.

A portion of the riparian management area established to conserve the fish, wildlife habitat, biodiversity and the water values of the riparian management zone, and to protect the riparian reserve zone, if any, within the riparian management area.

An area that consists of a riparian management zone and a riparian reserve zone.

An unharvested border of forest around a riparian feature.

River, stream, lake or wetland.

The banks and adjacent areas of a stream, river, lake or wetland. It contains vegetation that, due to the presence of water, is distinctly different from the vegetation of adjacent upland areas.

Relating to, or situated on, the banks of a river, lake or wetland.

A small channel created on steep slopes by water erosion.

An area in which no timber harvesting is allowed to occur.

The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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