Audit of Silviculture Practices: West Fraser Mills Ltd. – FL A20021

An audit of the silviculture activities on Forest Licence A20021 held by West Fraser Mills Ltd. The license is located northeast of Williams Lake, around Quesnel Lake and Horesfly Lake, in the Horsefly Forest District. The licence has approximately four percent of the allowable annual cut of the William Lake Timber Supply Area.

Audit of Silviculture Practices: West Fraser Mills Ltd. – FL A20021

Consistency of forest development plans with Cariboo-Chilcotin land use plan

Consistency of forest development plans with Cariboo-Chilcotin land use plan

On December 12, 1995, a complaint was filed with the Board by representatives of five organizations. The complaint involved the 1995‐2000 forest development plans for areas within the Quesnel River watershed. This included 15 forest development plans prepared by five agreement holders and the Small Business Forest Enterprise Program in four Forest Districts. These plans had been approved in mid‐December, 1995.

The complaint named five agreement holders and four district managers who prepared and approved the plans as subjects of the complaint, as well as the Cariboo‐Chilcotin Regional Resource Board (RRB) and the Cariboo Mid‐Coast Interagency Management Committee (IAMC). The Board identified the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks and the Land Use Coordination Office (LUCO) as potentially affected by this investigation. The complainants, the subjects of the complaint and the affected parties are listed in Appendix 1. For ease of discussion, these 18 organizations are described as participants.

SUMMARY REPORT: Forest development plan public review and bark beetle management

Forest development plan public review and bark beetle management

The Board received a complaint from a member of the public concerning an amendment to a licensee’s Five Year Forest Development Plan. The complaint asserted that:

  • a licensee amended its forest development plan for a forest licence without providing adequate time for public review and comment.
  • a licensee was not practicing healthy forest management, in relation to a bark beetle infestation.

The complainant asserted that the licensee failed to take the opportunity to selectively log the area covered by the plan in 1994, and now proposes to clear-cut the area.