A group of concerned property owners south of Chilliwack filed a complaint about a BCTS cutblock uphill of their lands. The complaint believes the cutblock will damage their water supply, wildlife and a rare plant species.
The Blue Mountain‐Kanaka Creek Conservation Group filed a complaint with the Board about the adequacy of planning and forest practices on Woodlot Licence W0007, in Maple Ridge. The complainant is concerned that woodlot activities will harm domestic water supplies and scenic views in the area.
The Chilliwack Field Naturalists asked the Board to investigate the approval of an amendment to a FDP--the Cattermole Timber Company proposed two cutblocks on Elk-Thurston Mountain. The complainant is concerned that public comments about the impact of harvesting on old growth forests and significant rare species were not adequately considered, and information about helicopter drop areas was missing from the amendment.
The Board received a complaint from a member of the public about maintenance and development activities in a MOFR recreation site. The complainant was concerned about whether the work was authorized, as there was no sign posted to provide explanation about the work being conducted.
The Western Canada Wilderness Committee filed a complaint with the Board about the approval of a cutblock north of Stave Lake in the Chilliwack Forest District. The complainant believes that the cutblock is located in prime mountain goat habitat and should not be logged and believes that an agreement was made not to harvest the cutblock and that it was broken.
The Chilliwack Field Naturalists filed a complaint with the Board alleging that a population of tall bugbane, an endangered plant, was destroyed and a stream damaged by a logging operation near Chilliwack. The complainant was also dissatisfied with the Ministry of Forests’ response to its concerns.