In spring 2008, the Forest Practices Board conducted a limited scope compliance audit of Western Forest Products Inc. (WFP) Tree Farm Licence (TFL) 39/Block 6 in the Haida Gwaii Forest District (formerly Queen Charlotte Islands), with a focus on fish streams and crossings.
The audit assessed more than 140 cutblocks, 1,800 kilometres of road activities and obligations, and 450 bridges, as well as associated operational planning. The audit found that harvesting, road activities and associated planning undertaken by WFP between May 1, 2006, and May 30, 2008, complied with legislative requirements in all significant respects.
Haida Gwaii contains a large number of high-value fish streams and the Board commends WFP on the various measures it has taken to protect fish and fish habitat on TFL 39/Block 6. By minimizing the potential input of sediment into fish streams, ensuring fish passage at stream crossings and maintaining large riparian management areas, WFP is actively engaging in minimizing impacts to fish and fish habitat while conducting its forestry operations.
In September 2006, the Sierra Club (the complainant) submitted a complaint to the Forest Practices Board (the Board) asserting that agencies and licensees were not implementing an earlier Board recommendation to use a cautious approach in managing goshawk foraging habitat while land use planning processes were being completed. The complaint is focused in the Rennell Sound Landscape Unit, within the Haida Gwaii Forest District, and is partly based on the submission of plans from the two licensees in the area, Husby Forest Products Ltd. and BC Timber Sales.
The operational planning; timber harvesting; silviculture; road construction, maintenance, and deactivation; and fire protection activities carried out by BCTS and its timber sale licence holders throughout the Queen Charlotte Islands TSA, complied with forest practices legislation.