The owner of a fishing lodge (the complainant) was concerned about logging that Canadian Forest Products Ltd. (the licensee) was conducting near the shore of Babine Lake, one of the largest lakes in northern British Columbia. The owner feels that logging to control a beetle infestation has damaged the scenic value of the area for lodge clients and for local people who fish on the lake.

In December 2001, the Ministry of Forests (MOF) approved a silviculture prescription for cutblock CP 551-1 on Mount Seaton, about 40 kilometres north of Smithers in the Bulkley Valley. A local backcountry skier (the complainant) asserts that MOF approved the silviculture prescription without regard to concerns that the cutblock would allow snowmobile access to an alpine area with no history of snowmobile use. The complainant believes that skiers will have to abandon the alpine area if snowmobile use reduces its value for skiing.

On December 1, 2000, the Fort St. James district manager approved a forest development plan amendment submitted by Canadian Forest Products Ltd. (the licensee). The licensee proposed to build a bridge across Macdougall Creek to link existing roads in the Fort St. James and Morice Forest Districts.

On January 2, 2001, a person who runs a guiding operation at Smithers Landing on Babine Lake complained to the Forest Practices Board, asserting that the district manager's decision to approve the bridge did not adequately address the environmental risks associated with improving public access to the east side of Babine Lake. Specifically, the complainant raises questions about how the district manager considered the concerns of the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks. The complainant would like to see the bridge closed annually from April through November.

On December 13, 2000, the owner of a lodge on Babine Lake (the complainant) requested an investigation of the approval of forest development plan (FDP) amendment #17 for Canadian Forest Products' Forest Licence A16828. The complainant also requested an administrative review of the FDP approval. The complainant maintained that the plan did not ensure adequate management and conservation of all forest resources.

On February 2, 2001, the Chair of the Forest Practices Board decided to refuse the request for an administrative review but identified several issues that required further investigation:

  1. Did the FDP amendment properly consider forest ecosystem networks?
  2. Did the FDP amendment comply with Code requirements for forest health?
  3. Did the FDP amendment comply with the requirements for discretionary approval of cutblocks greater than 60 hectares?
  4. Did the FDP amendment comply with Code requirements for consideration of the plan's effect on the complainant's business?


The complainant said that Babine Forest Products Co. is:

  1. falling culturally modified trees;
  2. endangering salmon fry with its barge operating on Babine Lake;
  3. allowing oil and diesel to leak into lakes and streams;
  4. improperly disposing of oil and antifreeze;
  5. allowing buildings to be constructed on traditional territory without permission; and
  6. planning to spray pesticides in an area where plants are collected for traditional medicine.
  7. The complaint is also that a guide outfitter has set up operations within traditional territory without permission.


The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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