Fish Passage at Stream Crossings

McBride Community Forest

In January 2008, the Forest Practices Board received a complaint from four residents of the Robson Valley (the complainants) about the McBride Community Forest Corporation (MCFC) and the Ministry of Forests and Range (MFR) regarding forest practices being carried out by the MCFC. The complainants view MCFC’s as unsustainable, harmful and in violation of legislation.

McBride Community Forest

Biodiversity in the Interior Cedar-Hemlock Forests Near Dome Creek

A complaint filed by several public groups about the management of biodiversity in the interior cedar-hemlock rainforest near Prince George, and forest management adjacent to the Driscoll Ridge and the Ancient Forest hiking trails. The complainants asserted that approved cutblocks and harvesting practices did not address government’s biodiversity objectives.

Biodiversity in the Interior Cedar-Hemlock Forests Near Dome Creek

Audit of Timber Harvesting, Road Construction, Maintenance and Deactivation: Carrier Lumber Ltd. – NRFL A70174

Carrier Lumber Ltd.’s operations on non-replaceable forest licence A70174, located in the Prince George Forest District, complied with forest practices legislation in all significant respects. However, the audit identified a bridge that was not built as designed; therefore bridge construction practices should be improved.

Carrier Lumber Ltd. – NRFL A70174

Audit of Timber Harvesting, Road Construction, Maintenance and Deactivation: Chunzoolh Forest Products Ltd. – NRFL A72190

Forest operations undertaken by Chunzoolh Forest Products Ltd., on non-replaceable forest licence A72190, in the Prince George Forest District are in full compliance with the requirements of forest practices legislation. Chunzoolh performed diligently in its salvage of beetle infested forest stands.

Chunzoolh Forest Products Ltd. – NRFL A72190

Consistency of Logging with the Robson Valley LRMP

The Fraser Headwaters Alliance alleged that logging by McBride Forest Industries Ltd. In the Rocky Mountain Trench is not consistent with the objectives of a land and resources management plan for the area. The investigation examined visual quality management, logging in an area reserved for recreation, logging in a riparian management area, and preparation of a forest development plan amendment.